When is a dog considered a senior?

When is a dog considered a senior?

At what age is a dog considered a senior? How can an attentive dog parent spot signs of aging, and what special care needs does your aging dog have? Our Middlesex vets answer these questions in today's post. 

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How to Prevent Valley Fever in Dogs

How to Prevent Valley Fever in Dogs

Valley fever is a serious condition that has the ability to affect people, dogs, cats and livestock throughout the Southwestern states but most commonly in Arizona. Our Middlesex vets discuss the effects of valley fever in dogs and what you can do to prevent it.

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Diarrhea in Cats & Common Causes

Diarrhea in Cats & Common Causes

For pets and owners, diarrhea is a dirty and concerning health problem. In this article, our Middlesex veterinarians will address the topic of diarrhea and what to do if your cat gets it.

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Vomiting & Diarrhea in Pets That Won't Stop

Vomiting & Diarrhea in Pets That Won't Stop

There are a number of reasons why your dog or cat may be feeling unwell. Sometimes this can result in uncomfortable symptoms. Here, our Middlesex vets talk about vomiting and diarrhea in pets and what steps to take if it won't stop.

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Do Kittens Teethe? Kitten Teething and What You Can Do to Help

Do Kittens Teethe? Kitten Teething and What You Can Do to Help

Cats, like people, have baby teeth that fall out before their permanent teeth emerge. In today's post, our Middlesex veterinarians explain kitten teething and how you can help.

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Teething Puppies: Tips & Tricks

Teething Puppies: Tips & Tricks

Puppy teething can be a difficult time for parents; the pain caused by teething often leads puppies to chew on anything and everything in an effort to relieve their discomfort. Here are a few tips from our Middlesex vets on how to help your puppy through the difficult teething phase.

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Cavites in Dogs: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Cavites in Dogs: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Dental health problems in dogs can be just as problematic as they are in humans. Dogs can also develop cavities. In this post, our Middlesex veterinarians explain the causes, symptoms, and treatments for cavities in dogs.

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Common Dog Dental Problems

Common Dog Dental Problems

Caring for your dog's teeth is essential to their oral and overall physical health. Here, our Middlesex vets share some common signs and types of dog dental problems. 

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Dog Dental Care: How to Take Care of Your Dog's Teeth

Dog Dental Care: How to Take Care of Your Dog's Teeth

Dogs also need diligent and routine dental care in order to avoid tooth decay and gum disease. Here, our Middlesex vets discuss proper dog dental care and how owners should take care of their pup's teeth.

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Vomiting in Dogs: Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Vomiting in Dogs: Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Just like humans, dogs can sometimes get a turned tummy and need to vomit to feel better. However, owners should know when vomiting in their pooch is concerning. Here, our Middlesex veterinarians share some potentially harmful causes of vomiting in dogs, and how these causes are diagnosed and treated.

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